G4 to Esquire TV site redesign
G4 into Esquire Site update and Redesign A brand relaunch site for the merger of G4 into Esquire TV. I along with other UX designers at Blitz Agency created and designed out the Responsive Web Design for the site redesign which included content strategy, interactive prototypes and extensive wireframe systems.
Responsive Web Design Redesign
G4 got acquired by Esquire as they created an entire TV network for extending their magazine content into the television media. I along with the team at Blitz Agency reinvisioned the site design for the rebanding and lauch of the new location.
IA & System Flows
UX design is about systems and we had to figure out how the site was both going to work inside the esquire heirarchy but aslo how users were going to explore and navigate.
Wireframes & Interaction
Wirefreames were build out to mantain structure and flow. These were also converted into Keynote based interactive walk thorugh prototypes that allowed our client and our developers and designers to know how things whould work on the site.